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Female Deviations
I like to peruse the journals of Academia from time to time, just to keep abreast of advances in science and knowledge. This particularly enlightening tome landed on my doorstep today. I include the first two paragraphs that I came to by random selection:

The reason that most women become Lesbians is not from any urgent and tearing desire to feel the embraces of female flesh. Rather it is by default. These women were unable, or too afraid to compete openly and successsfully for men.

Perversions are sexual activities which usurp heterosexual mating. A man and a woman who practice mutual masturbation are, in terms of this definition, as perverted as two Lesbians practising sodomy with the aid of a dildo.
Unfortunately, there are no pictures; just more crazed postulations.
Published in the UK in 1967, originally published in the US in 1964.Vintage Scans Mid-Century Advertising, Strumpetry & Design